Thursday, March 18, 2010

Number Theory

Several thoughts I had about Banner's birthday which you might think are as cool as I did

-When we first got to the hospital, they placed us in room 324. Banner was born at 3:24!

-When they moved us over to the family side after her birth, they moved us into room 309.

Banner was born on 3/9!

-My cell phone number (which I have had since 2002) is 704-502-1524.

7-4=3 (March is the third month) times
5-2=3 (Banner was born on the ninth day) and...

1524 in military time is also 3:24 pm!

It is as though as along, my phone number was predicting her birth date.

Kristen was not really impressed either...This is about the time that people have said I should go back to work...

Anyway, here are some pictures...

Also, I posted musings last night, but I backdated it to before the enchilada picture


  1. This last picture of Banner looks like you posed her as a gangsta! Word!
    She is soo cute. M took out pictures of you and I when we were first born and I have to be honest.. she looks exactly like me :) Love you both- this is so fun to read!

  2. jared,
    you are kinda a dork. banner veil is gonna be rolling her eyes in no time. but i have to say, i noticed that room #309 thing too.

  3. About that "gangsta" pose...I did not place her like that. She did it in her sleep by her own volition. I like to think it was in honor of The Notorious B.I.G. who died on March 9th (her birthday) in 1997.

  4. About that "dork" thing...I know.
