Monday, March 29, 2010


this is my (Kristen's) first attempt at posting on here. We'll see how it goes... :)
Banner is now completing her third week of life. My parents, known to Banner as Grandma and Grandpa (Matthews) visited her for two weeks and just left on Saturday. It was so nice to have them here! They went grocery shopping, made dinner, cleaned up dinner, did laundry, and cleaned the house. Not to mention paid endless amounts of attention to Banner. What more could you ask for in house guests? Thanks mom and dad!
Jared and I were on our own on Sunday and Monday. Jared worked Monday, though, so it was actually my first day to have Banner on my own. I had high hopes of going for a walk, doing a few errands...
In the end, Jared came home at 6 and I hadn't even been outside, much less accomplished anything. I did manage to make a mess of the house. Not sure how that happened. Poor Jared cleaned up after me when he got home.
I'll get the hang of it though, right? Or maybe I'll just change my expectations of what it means to "accomplish" something during the day. I did get a shower, which I think was a pretty impressive feat.
Anyway, Jared's parents arrive tomorrow. Yay for help!
It's way too late for me to be up.
Good night.


  1. SO sweet to see the grandparents at work! What the heck is Jared wearing for his nap- it looks like he borrowed BVs bib before falling asleep. But I guess you both need to sleep anytime you can. I dropped M&D off at the airport this morning- they are really excited. Have a great week!

  2. Oh Kristen! I feel your pain. Yes, a shower is an accomplishment! For sure! It's still is one for me! It will definitely get easier, but I still usually only do one outing a day, and I schedule it around Ethne's meal times =). It sounds like you are doing great though. The right attitude is most of the challenge!

  3. Thanks April! We are excited for Banner to meet Ethne. We will be sure to give her a call on her birthday, but give her our early birthday wishes too. When are you guys coming out again...?
