Monday, March 29, 2010


this is my (Kristen's) first attempt at posting on here. We'll see how it goes... :)
Banner is now completing her third week of life. My parents, known to Banner as Grandma and Grandpa (Matthews) visited her for two weeks and just left on Saturday. It was so nice to have them here! They went grocery shopping, made dinner, cleaned up dinner, did laundry, and cleaned the house. Not to mention paid endless amounts of attention to Banner. What more could you ask for in house guests? Thanks mom and dad!
Jared and I were on our own on Sunday and Monday. Jared worked Monday, though, so it was actually my first day to have Banner on my own. I had high hopes of going for a walk, doing a few errands...
In the end, Jared came home at 6 and I hadn't even been outside, much less accomplished anything. I did manage to make a mess of the house. Not sure how that happened. Poor Jared cleaned up after me when he got home.
I'll get the hang of it though, right? Or maybe I'll just change my expectations of what it means to "accomplish" something during the day. I did get a shower, which I think was a pretty impressive feat.
Anyway, Jared's parents arrive tomorrow. Yay for help!
It's way too late for me to be up.
Good night.

Friday, March 26, 2010

March Meal Madness!

After Wednesday, I had low hopes that going out to dinner work with Banner on a Friday night would work at this stage in the game. This was the last night that Kristen's parents where going to be in town and we wanted to take them out for dinner as a thanks. Realistically, we figured that a "curbside" dinner would be more likely. Kristen and I have never really been in the habit of eating out much because we are such skinflints, but I could see how "curbside" could be a parents dream, second to delivery I guess.

All that to say that we were hoping to feed Banner, jump in the car, have her sleep in her seat at Outback (a Matthews favorite) and head home. worked. Not that I did not have faith in our little lady, but evenings around dinner had been a bit unpredictable. She was so peaceful all through dinner sitting next to me that I rewarded her with a blooming onion to go.

Okay, not really, but I was wondering if we could get away with one of those "kids eat free" meals for her yet. Is there a minimum age on those? Obviously, she is not eating solid food yet, but the hostess asked if we needed a kids menu and if we needed a high chair too. I think that until you have to attempt to raise a kid it is all so amorphous to you as to the timelines on everything.

Well the meal hit the spot and we made it back home in time to watch the Elite Eight take shape. I will be honest that I am not happy with the fact that Tennessee is still in the tourney. Vanderbilt beat them both times this season! My friend Julia was back in Nashville last month and got Banner a pink Vandy onesie...or as guys like to call them a "shirt with snaps". I had hoped to have her rocking it in the Final Four, but that was admittedly wishful thinking.

You might notice that some of these are from the hospital, but rest assured we are still home. I just wanted to share some more...

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well, last night (Wed) Kristen and I had our first (of many) forays into thwarted plans. It started out simple enough. Come home from work, wake Banner at 5:30 to feed, eat dinner, plan to leave at 6:15 to go see Avatar 3D while the parents watch Banner, come home to feed again and sleep. The coming home from work and the waking Banner went according to schedule, but that is about where it ended. She just decided to take her time waking up, being fussy for being awake, not really about 6:30 (with a 6:50 showtime) after not having eaten yet we decided that we would have to wait for another time.

I never got a chance to post some of our goings on right after BV was born. This first one was from our first walk on the Friday after she got home. It was a gorgeous day and we have some great paths around our house. This was also BV's first time on a playground! We had been using this sling that we got from Banner's Uncle Al and Aunt Silke to bring her out and about. She seemed to like it pretty well, but I always felt like I needed to hold her as well. Since then we have picked up a Moby Wrap that I mentioned before. Unfortunately I have not gotten any pics of her in that yet. I met Kristen and the fam for lunch and Kristen was toting her around looking like the hot mama she is.

The weekend after Banner was born she went to meet her new friend Emory down in Denver. Emory Sue Coley was born three days after her and they hit it off. Brent and Becca are the proud parents. Banner got a bit hungry while hanging out with Becca and tried to persuade her to comply which gave us all a laugh. Brent might have gotten that on camera. It was a long trip down to Denver, but she enjoyed the outing. We did have our first pullover and change the diaper in the back seat experience which was important.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Favorite Side

I am bummed that it has been so long since I last sent an update. Anyway, we had a massive snowstorm last night here in Boulder. Before I went home I could not resist picking up a Free Cone at Ben and Jerry's for Banner. Since it was snowing like mad, I talked them into giving me two scoops at once since she is a growing girl. (I am not sure why free cone day was so early this year...usually it is around Earth Day in April) Unfortunately for BV, by the time I made it home they were gone.

The family is doing well. We are just trying to adjust to the wacky hunger/sleep patterns and now gaseous build up patterns. Sleep has been decent for me, but more intermittent for Kristen.

This is a picture of Banner all swaddled up and on her side. A favorite calming position of hers that we learned from 'The Happiest Baby on the Block'. She has been getting out for several day trips and frequent walks. I thought about bringing her out to help shovel snow last night and this morning. You have to get these kids helping out early these days I hear. She did help we sweep the carport the other day when it was nice out. All this by means of our favorite new Moby Wrap. I will try to send pictures of them soon.

Kristen's parents (you can call them Al... and Pam) have been with us since last week. They has been helping out especially with meals and dishes and the like. Thanks to everyone that signed up to bring or send us meals! That has been great. We have not gotten to the spanikopita (thanks Patty) due to some picky eaters...but we did polish off the veggie lasagna (thanks Kyla, and your dish is washed and clean)

I just got the update that Banner has been very good today and has actually been awake for awhile. She probably is jones-ing to go sledding at Scott Carpenter Park with all the new snow. At least a foot here! That is all for now.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Number Theory

Several thoughts I had about Banner's birthday which you might think are as cool as I did

-When we first got to the hospital, they placed us in room 324. Banner was born at 3:24!

-When they moved us over to the family side after her birth, they moved us into room 309.

Banner was born on 3/9!

-My cell phone number (which I have had since 2002) is 704-502-1524.

7-4=3 (March is the third month) times
5-2=3 (Banner was born on the ninth day) and...

1524 in military time is also 3:24 pm!

It is as though as along, my phone number was predicting her birth date.

Kristen was not really impressed either...This is about the time that people have said I should go back to work...

Anyway, here are some pictures...

Also, I posted musings last night, but I backdated it to before the enchilada picture

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Free enchilada!.jpg

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Like I said, free green enchi at Wahoo's today. I think you need a coupon, but I can give you the goods (courtesy of my friend Jennie S).

Also, Banner is now one week old!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Homecoming Day

The last day in the hospital was quite an eventful one. The staff likes to call it "discharge" day, but since we have been and will be dealing with various discharges, I prefer to call it homegoing day. We were awoken early by o
ur pediatrician who wanted to make sure that everything was progressing smoothly.

Katie, the nurse that we liked so much from our first day, was working in the family side on our last day, so we were able to follow up with her again. Then the ladies from the hospital photo center came in to offer (sell) us a complimentary ("please buy more from us") shoot. We thought we might as well get Banner all dolled up for the first time as she had basically been wearing a diaper and her hospital straight jacket, other wise known as a swaddle. She was not a huge fan of the hullabaloo, but she did well.

Shortly after in our room, the hearing check people came in for their test. Moments before this lady had seen Kristen in the hall and asked "Are you pregnant?!" to which Kristen replied, "No, I actually just had a baby." When she came in to the room just before Kristen returned she mentioned how confused she was that I (Jared) was holding the baby and laying in bed because surely I could not have had a baby... She asked Banner's name and promptly replied, "Oh, my kids have weird names too...I mean...not weird, eclectic." Anyway, Banner passed the hearing test.

I think the hospital was aiming at getting us out by noon, but we had to wait for our midwife to come by with her official blessing. After packing everything up, we ended up just relaxing in our room for a couple of hours while we waited without everyone popping in every second. I loaded up the car and installed the car seat (which I remembered to at least put in the trunk) before Katie made sure that Banner was all snug. We had been keeping her swaddled most of the time so we had to make sure she was wearing something with mobility.
Laura agreed to meet us at home to take some pictures of our arrival. She even made this lovely "Welcome Home Banner" banner. After a quick change we all tried to take an afternoon nap before Genny was kind enough to bring us a scrumptious chicken, bell pepper, rice and peas dish. She was able to play with Banner while we ate and watched before several other more diaper changes and then bed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Banner's first day...Sun to Snow to Stars‏

If you saw from my first email, "Just as I say that though, the last twenty minutes they have started to become more regular" that was the start of it all. Kristen basically jumped straight to active labor while I was finishing my update. At about 12:15 pm on Tuesday afternoon, the contractioins jumped right to about five minutes apart from nothing much at all. At about 12:40, Katie, our nurse, came back in and began another monitor of Kristen's heart rate and contractions. Kristen felt the best when she knelt on the floor with a mat and an exercise ball. As I tried to time the contractions with her Nano's stopwatch, they quickly moved regularly to four minutes apart.

We had planned to have the accupuncturist join us at 1:30 to assist in kick starting the labor, but at about 1:20 Kristen and Katie and I decided that we should ask him to hold off for a couple of hours. We told him we would call him in two hours (3:30) to let him know how it was going and to come then. Our friend Patty was planning on joining us once things started to pick up to help with the coaching and support. Patty has such a calming aura about her and has worked as a doula with other births. About that same time, we had our midwife, Merrilynn, join us since things were moving right along. I continued to support Kristen by putting pressure on the outside of her hips during the contractions and attempting to help her visualize and think about relaxing as she alternated between kneeling on the mat and leaning over the exercise ball. Still timing with the Nano, the regularity moved to 2-3 minutes when Patty joined us at about 2:15 pm. She allowed me to use the bathroom and grab some bites of food.

After about 20 minutes, Kristen decided that she was ready to get in the tub. Katie warmed the water and lit candles and Merrilynn put some scented oil in the tub (Clary Sage, Kristen's request that she had brought along...I am not a fan, but I decided it was not my place to comment...) Kristen had begun some good steady contractions by that point and after only about 15 minutes in the tub, she felt like she was getting those pushing sensations. She got out of the tub and Merrilynn checked her dilation for the first time and decided she was ready!
I barely had enough time, to change out of my wet shorts from the tub and back into my dry clothes as she moved back out to the birthing stool. I have been affectionately calling it the air chair because it was basically a chair with no back or seat. She essentially sits on the bars and supports herself with her hands on an exercise ball in front or by her knees. By this time she was all out pushing with each contraction. Patty counted to ten with every push and she would try to get a couple of pushes per contraction. Merrilynn reached down and noticed that she was crowning and had Kristen and me touch the tip of her head! It was still hard to comprehend at that point, but Merrilynn quickly moved the exercise ball out of the way and got ready for the beginning.
It felt like with the next couple of contractions her head began to pop out and you could see movement with each push. Kristen tried again and all of a sudden the head was out! Merrilynn paused to move the cord around to the front and turn the shoulders, but then little Banner Veil scooted right out at 3:24 pm and began to cry with joy at seeing the world after 9 months of anticipation. It was absolutely breathtaking! They placed little BV on Kristen's chest right away as she still sat on the air chair. I was so amazed and proud of Kristen at the pace and efficiency and strength and courage of that natural birth. There was that castor oil cranberry cocktail, but from what I hear that is not very natural tasting. One of my minor fears had been expecting a long birth and then not being able to stay awake and having the energy for the coaching. Not to worry, we were done in time for afternoon tea!

They moved Kristen and Banner over to the bed to rest, to check Banner out, and to finish and clean the process up. Patty was kind enough to call the accu guy at let him know that we had the baby and did not need him to come in...a mere two hours after things started looking serious! It was such an answer to prayer. Praise the Lord for such an extraordinary couple of hours.

Well, I was going to tell you about the rest of the evening and today, but that took to look for me to think through. Basically, just more tests and weighing, and nursing, and sleeping and monitoring that occupied the rest of the evening. She slept decent last night, albeit a couple of diaper changes and some feedings.

The doctor woke us up this morning at about 8:30 to perform his diagnosis, but the rest of the day was filled with eating, visits from a lactation consultant, Travis and Laura, Becca, Gina, Carol, Patty, and Bryon. It snowed today and Banner also took a massive 3 hour nap. I was amazed. Maybe more so because I was holding her that entire time from the bed to a walk down the hall several times to reading in the chair to handing her off to Bryon. We will see how tonight goes, but she has already slept again this evening for two hours now. Speaking of which, it is time for me to sleep. We are out of the hospital tomorrow and back to 5580 Penn. for Banner's first time.

All our love and enjoy the day,

Banner, Kristen, Jared

Nap time

Banner and mother are doing excellent. Just having some needed rest. Hopefully later today I will give you the story. Thank you all for your kind wishes and prayers.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


She is lovely and wonderful! More to come...all are healthy and doing stellar.


Oh, you wanted to know her name? Did Jared leave that out?

Banner Veil Nelson

Banner (Isaiah 49:22, among other references to God's love: I will lift up my banner to the peoples; they will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders.)

Veil is after Bridal Veil Falls in Telluride, CO - a special place to us

Born 3:24 this
afternoon (yeah, once labor got started she came in 3 hours!) 7 lbs 12 oz 20.5 inches

Little Lady Time!‏

Good day everyone! It is a gorgeous day here in Boulder. We have gone for a walk outside a couple of times to increase the progress, but it has been slow going so far. Well, the morning has flown by, but so far the contractions have been irregular. Just as I say that though, the last twenty minutes they have started to become more regular. To catch you up on things, this morning at about 5:30 in the am hour, Kristen woke me up to let me know that her water had broken. She was very calm and we just lay there a bit and rested and talked and prayed. I started to feel nervous since I had not packed my bag or put away my laundry or put the sheets on the guest bed know all the things that are really important. Kristen had already talked to the midwife about her status and they said that she should aim to come in a bit to get checked out. She lay back down for a bit while I started putting away clothes and packing clothes and straightening the house.

After twenty minutes, Kristen got up to take a shower and get some last things together and
make me a lunch while I finished getting cords for phones and cameras and then showered also. It was about 7:30 or so when we left the house to make the long 1 mile drive to the hospital. Kristen had still not really begun regular or strong contractions at this time. Now we have just been alternating between resting, climbing the stairs of the hospital, walking outside (mid 50s today), getting monitored (just Kristen and the baby), praying, listening to some music.

Kristen did have a morning cocktail. A little Castor Oil and Cranberry on the rocks. It is supposed to get things going. We do have an accupuncturist
coming in about a half hour, so we will see how that helps. We are trying to get this going as naturally as possible before 5 or so since her water broke about 12 hours before. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. We will keep you notified. You are all loved, Jared and Kristen