Tuesday, September 21, 2010


A week of firsts! Sunday Banner pulled herself up into a standing position while holding onto a chair. Then yesterday she started creeping! Jared was home for lunch and I guess she just really wanted a taste of the peach he was eating because the next thing we knew she was doing a modified army crawl across the floor. She made it about 6 feet, and was duly rewarded with her first taste of peach. Time to start baby proofing!
Banner also took her first trip to the zoo this weekend. I think she was more impressed with the people and the other kids than she was with the animals, but we had a good time.

Here is Banner at the zoo entrance - she was making excited yelps.

Studying the zoo map. When asked what she wanted to see, she slapped the big cat section. It's my favorite too.

Jared, Banner, and giraffes.

Banner petting the Elephant.Lunch break! My necklace is one of Banner's favorite toys.

Banner and dad, taking a break to study the map.

This is just an extra photo illustrating one of Banner's favorite poses these days. She likes to rest here. It's as if she's asking to have her photo taking.

And don't worry, the Elephant was cardboard :)


  1. That was the greatest! I totally fell for the elephant. I can't wait to see animals with her-- she should come to the lazy 5 ranch and have them eat out of her hand! Yippee!

  2. What a glamorous young lady lounging around your pad! She is so cute. I must meet her.
    Aunt Laura

  3. I was so excited that there's a zoo that lets you pet elephants! Tricked!
