Sunday, July 18, 2010

Some old, some new

Enjoying the summer

"You may kiss my hand"

Funny family shot

Two thumbs up for her first outdoor concert.

Kristen and Banner decked out for the Kentucky Derby at our friend's place. I do not foresee BV wearing that whole outfit again, but sometimes you go all out for the Derby.

WonderMom! That is a salad, fruit smoothie, cookies and one enthralled-with-wonder BV.

This photo goes back a month or so, but I liked it. Okay, I guess she has been growing.

BanBan learning to suck on her hand when in deeply pensive moods.

Wide-eyed wonder I think they call it...


  1. Love that kid! Can't wait to meet her!

  2. i miss banner. bring her home please!!!

  3. Now you have met her April! What do you think? Will she be as cute as Ethne one day?

  4. Aww. Thanks Laura. How are the tomato plants? If you keep those alive, maybe we will let you watch BanBan. How does Thursday evening work for you?

  5. I love them! You see how fast she changes?! So don't stop posting pictures..what a joy!
