Monday, May 10, 2010

The latest photos

Smiles! They are hard to catch on camera, but this is the idea. We love smiles!
Banner helping get ready for our mother's day picnic.

She wore her special bib for the occasion.
Banner and her daddy - best buddies
Hiding from an unseasonable cold snap. seriously, snow in May? no good.
BV with her friend Emory. Each seems somewhat astonished when the other starts crying.
Banner peeking at the world. She's starting to be more interested in her surroundings!


  1. Oh my goodness! She doesn't look like an infant anymore!! I can't believe it- she's a regular little girl- so sweet! Love the smile and the picnic basket makes me laugh. That one of Jared and the baby looks professional - I love it. haaha- that hat is great on her. Looks like a super fun picnic and hiking day. I can't wait to see all of this in person!

  2. Yay! I love these pics, I can see her pretty face. She is precious. I can't tell exactly who she looks like, more like Jared right now I think. I want to hold her!!

  3. Yes!! That pictures in the cooler is so awesome! I also really like the symmetry of the one with Ban-ban and Jar-Jar.

  4. She is getting so big! Wow! It's amazing! She is beautiful!
